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标准编号:GB 28378-2019E 标准状态:现行
标准价格:240.0 客户评分:星星星星1
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This standard specifies the water efficiency grades, technical requirements and test method for showers.
This standard is applicable to the water efficiency evaluation for showers (including shower heads or shower combination) used in lavatory (toilet, bathroom), shower room and other sanitary facilities installed at the end of cold and hot water supply pipelines in buildings with nominal pressure (static pressure) not higher than 1.0 MPa and medium with a temperature range of 4 ℃ to 90 ℃.
This standard is not applicable to the showers with heating devices and thermostatic shower.
英文名称:  Minimum allowable values of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for showers
什么是替代情况? 替代情况:  替代GB 28378-2012;公告:关于延期实施《单元式空气调节机能效限定值及能效等级》等13项国家标准的通知
什么是中标分类? 中标分类:  轻工、文化与生活用品>>五金制品>>Y71建筑五金
什么是ICS分类?  ICS分类:  建筑材料和建筑物>>91.060建筑构件
发布部门:  State Administration for Market Regulation and Standardization Administration
发布日期:  2019-12-31
实施日期:  2021-01-01
提出单位:  Standardization Administration,and the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of National Development and Reform Commission of the Peoples Republic of China.
什么是归口单位? 归口单位:  Standardization Administration.
页数:  12页
出版社:  中国标准出版社
相关搜索: 淋浴器  [ 评论 ][ 关闭 ]

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