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标准编号:GB/T 11071-2018E 标准状态:现行
标准价格:216.0 客户评分:星星星星1
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This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificates, and contents of ordering(or contract)of the zone-refined germanium ingot.
This standard is applicable to the zone-refined germanium ingot which is prepared by the zone melting purification process, using reduced germanium ingot and germanium single crystal back to the material as raw material.ZGe-0 zone-refined germanium ingot is mainly used for the preparation of semiconductor and high purity germanium single crystal for high purity germanium detector.ZGe-1 zone-refined germanium ingot is mainly used for the preparation of infrared optical germanium single crystal, solar cells germanium single crystal and various germanium-chromium, germanium-silicon alloy etc.
英文名称:  Zone-refined germanium ingot
什么是替代情况? 替代情况:  替代GB/T 11071-2006
什么是中标分类? 中标分类:  冶金>>有色金属及其合金产品>>H66稀有分散金属及其合金
什么是ICS分类?  ICS分类:  冶金>>77.150有色金属产品
发布部门:  General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China and Standardization Administration of the Peoples Republic of China
发布日期:  2018-12-28
实施日期:  2019-07-01
提出单位:  China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
什么是归口单位? 归口单位:  SAC/TC 243 National Nonferrous Metals Standardization Technical Committee.
页数:  16页
出版社:  中国标准出版社
出版日期:  2019-11-01
相关搜索: 锗锭  [ 评论 ][ 关闭 ]

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